Coursework - idea pitch feedback
I appreciate the feedback and agree that my intent to use resources creatively we will effective. I further intend to use editing in order to evoke moods or the different stages of grief. I have been given the idea to utilise colour in order to emphasise these moods; I did not have this idea previously. I also believe that dialogue can cheapen a short film yet my feedback has lead me to believe that dialogue is necessary in moderation in order to outline the narrative to the audience. I will make it as obvious as possible that the protagonists' moods and physical behaviour is changing through the five stages of grief. I will achieve this mostly through character expression and movement, alongside special effects editing and cinematography (e.g. low angle shots to emphasise vulnerability). Furthermore, in my feedback It was suggested I also use sound to further emphasise the stage of grief present; I will use different pitches and various sound effects to compliment the emotion being depicted. I am intending for the grief facing the person to be the result of the death of a relative. I was asked if the relative will be shown and I will depict the character through 'illusion' style shots where the character is never fully physical; e.g. a shadow or a reflection in water. I was asked how I will show all of the different stages within 5 minutes; I will do this by accurately diving the five stages into roughly 1 minute, so each stage gets equal focus to clearly illustrate its impact on an individual and how it ultimately passes. I was recommended to search a case study in order to deepen my understanding of grief as I have not necessarily experienced it first hand, since this suggestion I have began looking into how grief effects affected a woman who's husband suddenly died of cancer, and the grief she experienced.
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