“Where have I been all your life” analysis of micro and macro elements.
“Where have I been all your life” analysis of micro and macro elements. ‘WHIBAYL’ follows a classical Hollywood three act structure, from the outset of the short film the protagonist Liam is stressed and tense, eagerly anticipating news that is yet to be disclosed to the reader, as the narrative progresses the dramatic ‘false’ truth of the film is revealed regarding Liam’s parentage and has the film culminates the genuine truth on who his real father is becomes apparent. Furthermore, Todorov’s theory of the equilibrium of narrative can be applied. The equilibrium is Liam not knowing who his father is, the disruption comes when he reveals himself to the man, he believes to be his father (John). Disruption follows as John’s wife (Angela) realises his newfound child is a result of adultery. Attempts to resolve involve Liam and his girlfriend sitting with the seemingly shattered couple and trying to make the best of the situation through comedic small talk. Finally, the new equilibri...